A Messy Monday, Begging for Grace, and Answers in Scripture by the Sunrise

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It’s 6:38am right this minute.

Small Fry, nearly 5 months old now, was stirring and restless since sometime around 5am, so I’ve been half-awake for over ninety minutes, and for all of them, I’ve been dreading waking. It’s Monday. My to-do list is non-existent, but I know the day would probably move more smoothly if I had one. I’m trying to figure out what the most important thing to do is, so I can focus on that, meanwhile begging God for grace to get through the day in my half-awake stupor as I try to get my baby to sleep just a little longer.

6:15am and my alarm goes off, and so does Small Fry. Resistance is futile. It’s not lost on me that my prayers are answered already. I wanted to to know what is most important? And the baby cries. TAKE CARE OF ME! Ok, Ok, I’m up.

With a changed diaper, he’s nearly happy as a clam…and once he spit up on me, he’s definitely happy. As I sit on the couch with some candlelight and my lemon water (morning routines I’m loving), I pull up today’s daily Mass readings and devotion from Blessed Is She.

The Holy Spirit nearly smacks me in the face–in a loving way, of course–with God’s will for me today. And everyday. For eternity.

Tend the flock of God in your midst,
overseeing not by constraint but willingly,
as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly.
Do not lord it over those assigned to you,
but be examples to the flock.
And when the chief Shepherd is revealed,
you will receive the unfading crown of glory. –from 1 Peter 5

Alrighty then. Tend the flock. Change the diapers. Wipe the noses. Care for the coughs. Prepare the meals. Clean the kitchen. Tidy the spaces. Willingly. As God would have it–you know, lovingly.20160222sunrise

I think I snickered. Then I glanced up and saw this most spectacular sunrise, and it’s like the grace of God, visible. It’s beauty reminding me that beauty matters, love matters, the little things matter, and if I don’t get a to-do list made, it’s alright, because God made it for me. Tend the flock in my midst–this family right under the same roof.

Also, he showed me the hot mess of kitchen and papers I should deal with to help this day move smoothly. Some of my homeschool things and meal plans are in there…


I’m off to tend this flock of mine. Chances are, the mess will taunt me all day, because real personal needs always take priority, but by the grace of God, I’ll make this day a good day.


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  1. This really convicted me. Just yesterday I had been feeling like I needed to focus more on our home, especially after my husband told me he thinks I think more about my business than my family — ouch. This is such a gentle reminder from our Lord, as always. Tend the flock.

    Thank you for this.

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