All My Living

Today’s Gospel is a challenge to us all, to give all that we have to God.

He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury;
and he saw a poor widow put in two copper coins.
And he said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them;
for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all the living that she had.” Luke 21:1-4

Out of her poverty, she put in all the living that she had.

We know the widow’s offering was of monetary value, but how much more did she offer! Consider the work she did to earn those coins, the efforts to live within her means, to save, to overcome selfish desires so that she could put in all the living she had.

“. . . [A]ll the living she had . . . .” Even more than coins, the widow’s example is that of offering her entire being, her LIFE, her daily living to God. Also, I look at her, and I think what trust and faith she shows in God, a God Whom she loved so dearly to offer everything she had, and she must have done so trusting that He would also provide for her still, even after she just gave her everything in the offering. How beautiful is her love and trust in God! Like a child who gives everything and trusts without limits in her father, the widow holds nothing back.

Read the rest at Blessed Is She, where I reflect on giving all that I have back to God.

Print the Morning Offering by clicking here for a download.morning offering copy

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  1. Beautiful and thanks for the download! Oh Gina, your link to Blessed is She is not working. {Found it anyway though :)}

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