My Bucket List

You know how everyone is pinning and blogging and sharing all the best summer plans? All the plans that revolve around children?

Yeah. I’m doing it, too. A series of posts from guests, plus my own top 5 for summer.

summer bucket list

BUT! There’s more to summer than enjoying the long days with our kids. There is time in the long days for us, as women and mothers! Time for us to fulfill our needs and pursuits! And so, here is *my* bucket list, for summer and beyond–because, life. It’s fairly certain that my “summer” bucket list won’t be complete and it will carry over through the fall, too. I figure, my needs/desires deserve some attention, and if I don’t make a list of what I hope to accomplish, then it’s never going to happen. Why? Because I have a husband and 5 children, and I’m the sort of person (like many women) to put everyone else’s needs above my own–95% of the time. My hopeful solution is to have my bucket list, and once at a week, at least, make time for *me*.

Without further rambling, my list:

-Read “The Little Oratory” and beautify our prayer space.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset-Make a huge dent in my quilt project, sewing at least 3 full squares. I have these 4 done, plus two more. I’m pretty sure I will need 12-15 squares to finish the quilt, which I hope to have done by the Christmas season.

-Run a 5K. This might be my most ambitious goal, because I have little time to actually go and run to prep…but I plan on doing one anyway.

-Simplify our school supplies. I know, I know, that is not so much about me as it is about prepping for another school year…but I feel so much better when our things are organized and tidy and simple. To piggy-back on this: get a canvas for the huge map I have and hang it, as well as create some frames with clips so that I can hang the kids’ great pieces of work and change them out frequently and easily.

-Make a huge dent in my 2012 photo book project.

-Read “Something Other Than God”

-Read more of “Visual Poetry”, a photography book I’ve had for years, and see if I can kick up my skills a notch or two.

-Spend as much time as possible enjoying the outdoors! That will include working on my garden, taking the kids on hikes, visiting the farmers’ markets…


How about you? What do you really want to do this summer, for you?

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    1. Thanks! Quilting can be fun and intimidating…I choose to avoid the fancy, pieced, detailed stitching kinds, and I’m good with simple. 😉

  1. I have read Something Other Than God on my list as well. I’ve read about 1/4 of it so far. It’s really good I just get distracted!

    I’m not sure what your 2012 photo project is but I want to make some photo books from shutterfly/snapfish of pics from my sisters wedding and my trip to Europe I just took.

    1. My 2012 photo book project is to put all our photos into a book–I use Blurb for big projects like that. 🙂 Have fun with your Europe pics!!

  2. I love this. I need to make a list like this, too. Mostly because when I’m feeling tapped out, I get snippy and snarky with my beloved family. And then I take a lot of not-breaks (you know, Facebook, etc) that keep me away from the kids and yet don’t fill me up. So I need a list! Thanks for the idea, Gina!

    My list will include exercising a few times/week, and doing somethin sweet and fun to prep for baby girl coming this fall. Maybe make her a stocking and some Christmas pajamas? That actually sounds like a lot of fun. 🙂

  3. Oh, I needed this! I’ve had a lot of ideas rattling around in my head – I need to write it down. Thanks for the genius idea! Some of my “goals” are to finish crocheting mittens for my kids so they’re ready to go in the fall, read several things on my reading list, and to chip away at a list of small sewing projects that have been waiting for me.
    Your quilt is beautiful! I love to sew and quilt, but it’s always very simple – nothing so lovely as yours! I hope we’ll get to see the finished product 🙂

    1. Oh, what are you reading? This quilt of mine is much simpler than you might imagine! No perfect cutting, not matching corners…just my style. 😉 I will absolutely share pics as I go and finish! Have a happy day! Gina On Jun 11, 2014 12:36 PM, “Someday (hopefully) They'll Be Saints” wrote:


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