Home Remedy: Elderberry Syrup to Fight Your Germ Nightmares


It’s been three years since I first published this, and prices have increased. Still, it’s a great home remedy! I made my first batch of elderberry syrup last week, using up the last of the berries I’d purchased three years ago. Since they’re dried, I find they keep very well, especially in a mason jar! Scroll down for the recipe!

My other title option: “How to Make Elderberry Syrup” isn’t as exciting. And maybe I exaggerate to call it a fight against nightmares. But aren’t germ-filled, sniffly, coughing kids all winter a nightmare? I rest my case.fullsizerender

A simple DIY post isn’t the most exciting. Saving money on elderberry syrup by making it yourself, however, is exciting. The popular brand runs $11ish-$20ish on Amazon, for 4-16 oz. Or you can buy the supplies online and make your own for a fraction of the cost. Let me break it down for you: (with affiliate links. Thanks so much for clicking through and buying whatever suits your fancy. Your clicks translate into payments for me to buy elderberries and fight the good fight against horrible nasty no-good germs).

This honey for $13.99/32 oz and free shipping, or $3.49/8oz (which is what I use in one batch).

These dried elderberries cost $18.50 for 1 pound, or about $4.63/cup (which is roughly how it divides. My bag had about 4 cups of berries. I use one per batch).

These cinnamon sticks cost $19.99 for 1 pound, or about $.65/5-6 sticks (what I use per batch).

Whole cloves cost between $3 and $5 where I shop, for about 1.25 ounces. All you need for this recipe is 4-6 cloves, basically pennies per batch. We’ll say $.25 for the sake of accounting.

Fresh ginger varies on price and how large a piece you buy, but again, this is low cost per batch. Fresh ginger has some great immune-boosting properties. You need four 1/4inch slices, so let’s say $.50 for a higher estimate of the cost.fullsizerender_1

For one batch of elderberry syrup, I used:
1 cup of elderberries @ $4.63
5 cinnamon sticks      @ $0.65
about 6 cloves              @ $0.25
fresh ginger                  @ $0.50

1 cup raw honey          @ $3.49

for a total cost of $9.52 for one homemade batch of elderberry syrup, which made about 3 cups (24 ounces) of syrup. Assuming you only use your honey and elderberries (from a single purchase as shown above) for making elderberry syrup all winter to fight the cold and flu nasties, you can make 4 batches of elderberry syrup for less than $40. Four batches at about 24 ounces each = nearly 100 ounces of elderberry syrup for about $40.

Thank you for bearing with me while I geek out on how much money I am saving making elderberry syrup at home.

You can buy it for $2+ per ounce online or in stores. (ouch)

What I make at home costs me about $0.40 per ounce.

YOU GUYS. That is a difference of $1.60 an ounce.

With all that saved money, you can buy your angsty kids (or husband, or brother, or whomever)

to make them laugh.

You can also pick some adorable crocks for your kitchen

or a fun “throw-back” toy for the kids for Christmas.

See how exciting making your own elderberry syrup is?? Now get thee some supplies and fight germs with stronger immune systems!

Now for the “how-to”:

  • Mix 1 c elderberries, 2 long or 4-5 short cinnamon sticks, 4-6 whole cloves, and 4- 1/4in slices of ginger with 4 cups of water, in a medium pot.
  • Bring to a boil, and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
  • Let cool until slightly warmer than room temp, then strain.
  • Mix cooled elderberry mixture with 1 cup of raw honey.

I give my kids 1 teaspoon daily, and Fence and I take 2 teaspoons.

p.s.–Store your syrup in a glass jar. I store about half of what I make in the freezer, and the other half in a jar in the fridge. I’m using a salad dressing bottle for easy pouring.

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