Embrace the Ordinary vol. 15


I’m not always up for the sunrise, or even to see the beautiful golden light of the sun when it has just risen and is slowly lighting up the earth. Fall days–with the sun rising later–(before the time change) do let me glimpse that beauty each morning, though. All week I’ve been wanting to get out for a run in the crisp fall air, and be immersed in the early sun’s glow, which seems so peaceful and refreshing.

Today, I finally did (helps that it is Saturday and Fence isn’t leaving early for work! I had time to get a run even with my *ahem* later wake-up).

It was beautiful. Long shadows. Golden light streaming through spaces between houses and cracks in fences. Fall leaves lit up from behind. Crunchy leaves under my feet.

There are colorful leaves here in Colorado, though not nearly like what the east coast has. Reds are particularly unique here. I suppose that means this photo is not “ordinary” but the chance to be out on this beautiful, ordinary fall morning was refreshing to my soul.



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“…there is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it.”  St. Josemaria Escriva, Passionately Loving the World

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  1. Love your photo and so glad you got to get out and run! Mornings are really nice when I can embrace them and enjoy all of their goodness. They are just soooo hard to meet! My bed is so much more sweeter to me than the sunlight pestering me to wake from my much needed rest!

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