Life Needs Time For Rest


Rest is so necessary, friends. More and more I realize that just because I am awake doesn’t mean I need to be “doing things”. I am doing things, conversing, teaching, cooking, feeding, cleaning, peace-making, loving, laughing, problem-solving all day long. My soul, creative brain, and tired feet neeeeed rest more than just on Sundays.

Some personalities probably can go-go-go more than I can. I, however, need down-time more than once a week. Sundays are great, but Wednesdays are so far away from Sunday…and tonight, after a Polish meal which took way longer to prep than I anticipated (though it was delicious! And we enjoyed it St. John Paul II’s memory), after many trying and exhausting moments with my preschooler, after sitting for 45 minutes with Firecracker before he finally fell asleep, after getting chicken stock going in the crock pot, I chose rest over finishing a blog about our daily “schedule”.

Peppermint tea and Downton Abbey were delightful tonight.


And now, I need to do my neck exercise before bed (chiro stuff) and rest before the baby is up. That other post will be up as soon as some moments come available to me.

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