Embrace the Ordinary, vol. 35 Baby Reveal

Yesterday we told the kids what gender our 6th baby is… Since two were at school we waites until later in the day to tell them all at once. Fence had the fub idea to bake cupcakes and fill them with colored frosting. So, I stopped at the store and bought colored frosting (because making frosting from scratch was more than I could muster this week), went home and baked cupcakes fron scratch, and got to work on the reveal plan.

Thank goodness my mom was over to help! We baked together, then she distracted kids while I filled and frosted them.


Any guesses??


Aww…baby bones. Big and strong.


Blue middles! Baby 6 is a boy! And all the older kids wanted a sister. Firecracker has no clue. All he wants are cupcakes.

I was stunned. Fence is thrilled. Baby Boy is big and healthy, and we pray all the rest of the next 20ish weeks continue the same way!


I love baby feet! And now I will start having to really learn all the Star Wars characters and places, Transformers, sports teams, and who knows what else! Also, I will make sure the girls and I often have quality girl time, now that we are sorely out-numbered!

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  1. Aww congratulations! We just found out recently our sixth child is a boy too! Our two girls were hoping for another sister, but are now excited about another brother. Blessings and prayers!

    1. Thanks! Me, too. My husband keeps asking when my energy is coming back…but, I think never. I’m older, and all these kids… haha!

  2. What a fun memory your older kids will have of discovering their sibling’s gender!
    Congrats on your little boy and prayers for the rest of your pregnancy!

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