Little Man and Morning Prayers

This morning, I found myself still in the boys’ room after some middle of the night snuggles. I woke up just before 6am, to hear Little Man (he is three and a half) praying. Now, this is a boy who often wakes up singing, telling stories, just full of chatter and happiness. He’s also a kid who laughs and talks in his sleep. Maybe it was “talk” in his sleep, but even so, to have prayer so imprinted on his being that he prays out-loud in his sleep, or just upon waking…that is touching. Hearing him clearly recite the “Our Father” and then add some prayers for family makes all the nights of wrangling his wiggly self during bedtime prayers worth it. Posture seems much less important when the prayers are learned, when he practically begs for more time to finish is prayers before Daddy begins to close bedtime prayer, when despite his wiggling and somersaults while we end our day with our Lord, he knows his prayers well enough to wake up in prayer. Something is clicking. God-willing this habit will stick for life.

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One Comment

  1. Happy to have found you from the Catholic Homeschoolers FB page. Not on much due to Lent, but I enjoy your questions and ponderings. I’m sure your kids are so happy you are their mom!
    When I was Confirmed, (when I was 20 and months away from marriage, being a convert) I picked St. Anne as my patron saint. I had hoped that I could be a close friend of hers and learn how to raise my future children as future saints. She, obviously, had a hand in her lovely little family with Joachim and Mary. Little did I know I would hold fast to her for my homeschool struggles as well. She, too, helped form Mary educationally in the heart of their home. I hope she helps you as well in your homeschool and mothering journey. God bless your family.

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